relative frequency

英 [ˈrelətɪv ˈfriːkwənsi] 美 [ˈrelətɪv ˈfriːkwənsi]

网络  频率; 相对频数; 相对频率; 相對次數; 相对次数



  1. Besides this, it is interesting to know the relative frequency of each use case.
  2. Frequency-dependent selection-A form of natural selection in which the fitness of an individual's genes is dependent upon the relative frequency of that gene in the population.
  3. The high-frequency codons were selected by high-frequency codon analysis according to relative frequency of synonymous codon ( RFSC) which is calculated by RFCS program written by ourselves.
  4. The relative frequency polygon has the same shape as the frequency polygon made from the same data set but a different scale of values on the vertical axis.
  5. A weighted algorithm of Triangular window and wavelet transform are using to measure active power and power factor of three-phase asynchronous motor in the non-sinusoidal waveform. The error of active power and power factor is proportional to square of relative frequency deviation.
  6. The wave relative frequency in the coordinate system moving with current and the angle between the direction of wave propagation and that of current are computed based on the wave dispersion relation.
  7. Monitoring of microbial inhibition process by bulk acoustic wave impedance technique and the relative frequency shift response model
  8. After the calculation of the relative density, relative frequency and relative dominance, the importance value of the species was calculated. The importance of the species in the niche was judged by the important value.
  9. The precision of measurement can be improved by optimizing the path of steam flowing through the cavity, selecting working pattern with high quality factor, advancing the measurement precision of the relative frequency deflection and adopting material with lower thermal expansion coefficient and special resonant cavity configuration.
  10. Two classification systems of depositional sequence hierarchies are respectively presented, which are based on the relative frequency and relative magnitude of base level changes.
  11. In this paper, authors advised a new method calculating the cumulative relative frequency, to study frequent distribution of plant size in the population. To investigate the distribution and frequency of symptoms in manic-depressive disorder.
  12. The text feature selection methods are introduced, analysed and researched, including information gain, mutual information, 2 statistics, document frequency, low loss dimensionality reduction, relative frequency difference.
  13. An experimental system for determining local time differences and relative frequency difference for two separate hydrogen masers has been carried out.
  14. Negative politeness strategy and bald on record politeness strategy are less frequently used ( with the relative frequency of 22 and 18.49 respectively).
  15. A analytic formula about the measuring value of active power and power factor of periodic signal as a function of the relative frequency deviation and the sampling initial phase ( or time) is derived;
  16. Code-starting sequences and 1307 code-terminal sequences of E. coli were compiled and the RF ( relative frequency) values of 6 base elements, 4 base elements and 3 base elements in the two regions were counted.
  17. The relative frequency and Doppler frequency rate estimation accuracy is high, and the process of solving the ambiguity is simple. Lastly, this chapter presents three filter methods of rate of Doppler frequency.
  18. A virtual arbitrary waveform generator in DDS is introduced, in which FPGA is used for the digital circuits and memory carriers in Quartus, the constant high relative frequency precision can be realized in the low frequency area.
  19. When Coping with simple problems, most of the teachers calculated probability by permutations and combinations or by analyzing the tree diagrams, rarely by designing simulations to estimate probability by relative frequency.
  20. Both theory and numerical computation show that the error of active power and power factor measurement is proportional to the relative frequency deviation when the conventional algorithm is used, while it is proportional to square of the relative frequency deviation when the proposed weighted algorithm is used.
  21. The electromechanical coupling coefficient is usually determined from the relative frequency spacing of the resonance and anti resonance.
  22. Results Using relative frequency distribution curve constructed by measured data, we can judge whether it is a symmetric bell shaped curve or not.
  23. Objective To evaluate the practical application of the WHO classification of lymphoid neoplasms, and to investigate the relative frequency and geographic distribution of the subtypes of lymphoma.
  24. An assessment of resonance frequencies is made in reference to relative frequency characteristics of the layer obtained for longitudinal and transverse waves from 14 earthquakes recorded in three sites.
  25. Based on feature extraction in the prediction of protein classification problem, this paper propose two new protein vector. One is based on the pK value and the other is based on the relative frequency.
  26. At the same time, a track control function and adaptive control algorithm to reduce the relative frequency of the rudder roll, the failure rate and maintenance costs are reduced, while also increasing the safety of the ship.
  27. According to the school level, we divided them into early, middle and senior three stages, respectively by applying the method of correctly using relative frequency statistics from each stage of the acquisition sequence.



  1. the ratio of the number of observations in a statistical category to the total number of observations

      Synonym:    frequency